
Cozy and bookish art

Hello, friend! I’m Amanda, the owner of Tales and Pages Shop. Thank you for finding your way to my shop. I hope you find cozy and bookish items that brighten up your day. 

I started my small business to combine my passion of art and reading. I’ve always wanted to be an artist and sell my art. But I never had the courage to do so. After discovering bookstagram, and reflecting on life when my mother got cancer during the pandemic, I decided to take a leap of faith and start my small business.
Life really is too short and I don’t want to live it without pursuing my dreams! So starting this small business and connecting with many of you through my art has been one of the best decisions I’ve made!

So thank you for following me on this journey and for supporting me. I hope your days are filled with coziness and joy. And know that I love and appreciate all of you! Stay cozy.

-Amanda D. 

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